Dispensary Refund/Exchange Policies on Recalls

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Apothecarium Lancaster – Offers full refunds for patients who purchased recalled carts before 1/27. The product’s original packaging is required to complete the refund. 

Apothecarium Plymouth Meeting: Offers full refunds on recalled products purchased after 1/1/22. Products must be in original packaging and contain over 50% of oil. If over 50% of the product has been used, a discount or credit may be offered towards another purchase on a case-by-case basis.

Apothecarium Thorndale: No refunds. Honors exchanges on recalled products if they are in original packaging and not expired. 

Ayr Wellness – No refunds. Offers credits on recalled products purchased after 1/3/22. To receive the credit, products cannot be completely empty, must have original packaging, and must be returned to the store it was purchased from.

Beyond/Hello – No refunds. Offers store credit or exchanges for recalled products. To qualify, products must be returned within 60 days of purchase and cannot have less than a third of oil left. Patients must bring their receipt and the original packaging for the recalled product.

Curaleaf – No refunds or exchanges. Provides credits towards replacement carts if returned within 90 days of purchase: ¼ -½ gram carts receive $30 credit towards replacement and 1 gram carts receive $60 credit for replacement. Original packaging and receipt required.

Cure –  Full return/exchange. To qualify, patients must provide all original packaging and labels for the recalled products.

Ethos – Refunds/exchanges accepted within 60 days of purchase. Patients must provide recalled product’s original packaging to qualify. Receipt to prove date of purchase is encouraged.

Harvest – No refunds. Offers exchanges and store credit towards recalled products. Receipt is preferred but a return is possible without it. Exchange must occur within 30 days from when email about additives was sent out.

Keystone Canna Remedies – Provides full refunds on recalled products. Patients must provide original packaging and the product must contain more than a third of oil to qualify for the refund.

Keystone Shops – No refunds. Offers exchanges and store credit towards recalled products. Receipt is preferred but a return is possible without it. Exchange must occur within 30 days from when email about additives was sent out.

Liberty – No refunds. Provides exchanges for recalled products if returned within 14 days of purchase and patient provides original packaging. No receipt necessary.

Organic Remedies – Full refund or exchange with original packaging and label on product.

Restore – Full refund with original packaging and receipt to prove it was purchased at the location it’s being returned to. If no receipt is provided, they may be able to search order histories with an approximate date of purchase and provide a refund. 

RISE – Provides full refunds for recalled products with the original packaging. Returns must occur at the store where the product was originally purchased. Empty carts will not be accepted for return.

Solevo – No refunds. Offers exchanges and store credit towards recalled products. Receipt is preferred but a return is possible without it. Exchange must occur within 30 days from when email about additives was sent out.

Sunnyside – Full refund is provided for recalled products. Patients must provide packaging, lot label, product, and receipt to qualify.

Terravida – Full refund/exchange offered for unused recalled products. Product must be returned to the store it was purchased from. Original packaging is required to qualify. If a product has been used, point credits are given towards replacement. 

Trulieve – No refunds. Offers exchanges and store credit towards recalled products. Receipt is preferred but a return is possible without it. Exchange must occur within 30 days from when email about additives was sent out.

Verilife – No refunds. Provides exchanges for recalled products with original packaging.

ZenLeaf – Full refund/exchange offered for unused recalled products. Product must be returned to the store it was purchased from. Original packaging is required to qualify. If a product has been used, point credits are given towards replacement. 


If you do not have original packaging and labels, or bought a recalled product in bulk, the dispensary is likely to direct you to the grower for refunds or exchanges. 

Please note that while these policies should apply to every dispensary’s location, and we took special care to ask as much, some customer service agents advised that each location operates at their own discretion and criteria for returns is on a case-by-case basis.